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Software Products

Human Asset Management

For any concern, the employee is the greatest asset. Human Resources Department of any firm has a lot to manage right from the advertisement released for recruitment, to interviews, test, appointment, retaining, promotions, leaves, medical reimbursements, legal actions, retirement benefits and so on. The whole life cycle of an employee with a company has various angles and dimensions to it which can be made easy with a flexible software.

Human Resources & Payroll System designed by Tedsys Business Solutions is an End to End Solution that provides relevant information across the HR department for effective employee management. This user-friendly software has proved to be an asset for companies big and small, single or multiple centre. Various Modules in the software are programmed in a manner that is open to customization according to each company’s corporate rules and policies. Dissemination of data and information is easier between the departments, ancillary departments or centres. Different reports can be generated through the system, and this facility will improve the efficiency of the overall administration and management of the organization.

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